Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Assignment 29 - On Your Own v.1

I want to take my camera to do a room tour in or outside of my room, I want to focus on what I never care about, like the corner of the garden or storage tanks that never been used. I want to use camera to show what I seldom care about are something interesting.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Assignment 23: Wrapped objects Ideas

Idea 1: I want to wrapped a brush pot which has clear grain, and place some pens in it. Take this photo from upper position.

Idea 2: Wrapped a hand with the rope. The rope can be any rope that is white or black, the rope should not be just cotton, it should be creative.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Assignment 23: Can a Wrapped Object be Art?

In my work, I use lace to wrap two hands. I think hands are the most creative thing of a person so if I wrap one person's hand, and her hand also looks like she is praying, that shows she wants to get out of the wrap to free her belief. 
I think thinking about what to wrap is a hard thing. First, I think about wrapping a brush pot, but I do not have something like aluminium foil to show the line of the brush pot, so I give up. Then I think about wrap a person's hand with paper but that does not show well so I think about just wrap by lace and put in lightroom to make this black and white.
Christo and Jeanne-Claude did not just wrap one thing, they think about the creativity of one object and they try to use different colored wrapped things then wrapped one project by that thing to make that object more creative and more artistic. That can be why they called their works landscapes.

Sketchbook 15. Hands and feet